Sunday, April 20, 2008


I've been terribly delinquent with photos, and am attempting to actually get to my prenatal yoga class tonight, so I'll just post photos for now, with a promise of more commentary to come...

Helping Papa feed the birds.

Look at me- eating an apple all by myself!!

Who IS that handsome guy??

Still trying to find Mama's lap...


Eva and her 'rents said...

Look at that genius boy eating an apple all by himself! Bravo!!

Sandi said...

Awesome fun Cooper! Love the mirror picture of ya - what a handsome guy.

Glad there is a sliver of mama's lap left for a cuddle.

Take care Gretchen and Chris - been thinking alot about your family! Hope the next few weeks find you healthy and a few quiet moments. Take care Howards!