Here are some highlights:
North Carolina Cousins
Road Trip to Kentucky
Did I mention that it was 110 degrees out that day?
These goody bags had a bunch of random treats, and we played treasure hunt- taking turns describing each item, and then eating that one.
A lunch stop at Cracker Barrel - a good ol' Southern restaurant chain.
The boys and Aunt Libby- one of their many fabulous aunties!
Chris and his dad's fishing catch.
More cousins- Ben & Molly
A buffalo traffic jam
Chris and his sisters, Libby & Beck.
San Diego
A special visit from Aunt Sandi, who came out from New York to see everyone ( and tried to smuggle Ian home in her suitcase.)
Pop pop and Nana took all 5 cousins out on a pirate ship adventure- brave souls!
Date night!
Bowling with Grandpa Tom
It's hard to tell, but this is a "rock" on one of the playgrounds, that's probably 8 feet tall. Cooper climbed all the way to the top, with some coaching from me, and more importantly, all the way down!
Two pinheads, as Chris would say!
Location:North Carolina, Kentucky, San Diego